When fortune 500 companies are surveyed, the first reason listed for implementing a worksite wellness program is that it will help employees. Yes there is a voluminous history of statistical information that supports lowering employee health risk will lower heath costs, improve productivity and increase employee moral. But those numbers are more used to estimate budget and ROI. This site is all about the employee side of wellness. The faces and stories of how worksite wellness programs can make a big difference in their lives. Even a routine 10 pound weight loss from the yearly weight loss challenge can be a vital victory to someone who has tried unsuccessfully to lose just one pound in the past 10 years. The faces and stories of successful lifestyle changes are told here to celebrate the untold story of worksite wellness.
What a Difference a Year Makes!

It was approximately this time a year ago that Andi Glontz, from Plumbers Union Lo. 55 H & W, decided to make a dramatic lifestyle change. In doing so, she lost 30lbs and kept herself from having to take high blood pressure or pre-diabetes medication.

Her blood pressure was rising, sugar levels high, weight above normal and she stated “sick and tired of being sick and tired”. He co-worker, Kristen Hendrock, was also feeling the effects of being over 50, being lethargic and consistently feeling run down. They decided to partner together, find a solution and make some changes. At this same time, a new Wellness Product, HumanaVitality was introduced to their workplace. It is a plug and play, interactive web based program the gives rewards for making positive lifestyle changes. For each healthier choice or activity, members receive Vitality Points that, when accrued, allow members to achieve greater Vitality Status levels and reward opportunities. Surprisingly enough, Andi bought a new headboard with her accumulated awards through Amazon gift cards, as she admitted to needing a new one desperately. She really likes that that preventative services such as Dental and Vision exams equates to points and feels the program does incentivize employees to have those services done.

However, a big impact on her success story is related to her drastic change in eating habits. As soon as she started counting calories and eliminating white foods, processed foods and sugars she started shedding pounds immediately. She learned to substitute comfort foods with healthier versions such as cooked radishes in lieu of mashed potatoes. Apples, lean meats, salads and vegetables became stables of her diet. Of course, “drinking lots of water”. However, she adamantly states “I will never eat fish”, which was not a factor considering she takes a full line of vitamin supplements that provides the body nutrients she may be missing from a low calorie diet. She believes in investing in the higher quality supplements that may cost more but are more effective. “I am also not really big into exercise” explained Andi. She does walk her dog and goes bowling but you will never find her at the gym.

In the end, Andi’s success story encompasses many factors, including her change in diet, participation in HumanaVitality and vitamin supplement regimen. She and Kris believe that it is a positive thing for employers to embrace wellness in their company. Her permanent lifestyle changes allowed her to lose weight, have more energy and keep from taking medications. And she is adamant that she is never going back.

Before and After

Before and after the lifestyle change

Before and after the lifestyle change

Faces of Wellness is sponsored by:      humana


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